Hydrodynamic analysis and stability analysis software - HydroD

HydroD is the world's leading software package for robust hydrodynamic analysis and stability analysis including fully automated load transfer to finite element analysis.

Hydrodynamic analysis

Naval architects and structural engineers are increasingly looking both for efficiency, accuracy and flexibility while performing hydrodynamic analysis, with advanced wave load analysis option for fine-tuning and optimizing designs of offshore structures and ships.

Sesam's HydroD, based on DNV's decades of experience in the domain area, is the leading software for analysis of all kinds of floating structures. HydroD is exceptional in its offering of both stability analysis, frequency domain analysis and time domain analysis, all based on one common model, fully integrated with finite element analysis.

The HydroD module in Sesam is used for ballasting, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis of large fixed and floating structures. Typically these may be gravity-based platforms, barges, ships, semisubmersibles, tension leg platforms, floating production storage units or spar buoys.

An important feature of HydroD is that a combined structure, consisting of any combination of plates and beams, can be analysed.

The HydroD module is both a stability analysis software tool and the user interface to the hydrodynamics solvers in HydroD, Wadam and Wasim. The same model can be used in all analysis types. Wizards for all types of analysis make input generation consistent and easy.

HydroD provides engineers with:

  • Efficient hydrodynamic analysis
  • Frequency and time domain analysis
  • Sea-keeping analysis
  • Wave load analysis
  • Efficient graphics modelling and verification of data including compartment properties
  • Load mapping to the finite element model
  • Scripting with Javascript
  • Wizard for easy and efficient setup of the hydrodynamic analysis
  • Intuitive user interface

Stability analysis software

HydroD provides powerful functionality to compute key decision results for longitudinal strength and stability data for ships and floaters. The stability analysis may be run for both intact and damaged conditions, including flooded compartments and wind heeling moments. HydroD also offers hydrostatic analysis and stability code checks of floating structures according to ship and offshore rules, in addition to sea-keeping.

Stability analysis features in HydroD software include:

  • Intact and damaged stability analysis
  • Stability code checks according to most recognized rule sets
  • MaxKG analysis
  • Reporting
  • Sectional load distributions

Advanced non-linear analysis with HydroD software

There is a growing need for more advanced hydrodynamic analysis of ships and offshore structures. A non-linear analysis with a well-selected input will always give better results than a linear analysis. DNV has enhanced its computational engine to include such non-linearities.

Multi-body analysis with HydroD

In frequency domain it is possible to run the analysis for many different bodies, including full hydrodynamic interaction between the bodies. It is possible for the user to specify an additional coupled damping and restoring matrix for the bodies. The hydrodynamic interaction effects can be passed over to an analysis of marine operations or a coupled analysis.

Learn more about Sesam's module HydroD



Introduction to hydrodynamic analysis in offshore engineerig

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