Hydrodynamics is an integral part of the analysis of any offshore structure. The results from the hydrodynamic analysis itself provides important design information, e.g. for investigation of air-gap, accelerations and sectional loads.
It provides the loads due to the waves and wave-induced motions, which can be used as input to the structural analysis.
The hydrodynamic characteristics of the structure are important to account for in a coupled analysis, combining e.g. the effects of waves, wind, current, mooring lines, risers and wind turbines.
Topics covered:
- Basic equations and introduction to Potential theory
- Convergence and meshing
- Resonances and irregular frequencies
- Composite model and Morison’s equation
- Demo of hydrodynamic analysis in Sesam software
About the speaker:
Torgeir Vada has been working in DNV GL since 1985, when he achieved a PhD in Hydrodynamics from the University of Oslo. He has worked with Sesam since 1997, first as a developer and then in various line manager positions. He currently holds a position as Product Manager for Floating Structures.
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