Site identification and sizing for renewables projects

By identifying the best location and injection capacity for projects using our proprietary tools, DNV helps generation developers minimize the risk of costly network upgrades to their projects

Planning for a generator interconnection can be an intimidating process filled with uncertainties. However, it can be made easier by having a planning strategy & ‘automation’ tools to get ahead of the curve.

DNV resource interconnection team helps developers of resources such as solar, wind, hybrid, and energy storage in determining cost-effective and optimal sites and size in Megawatts (MW) for their future investment projects.

The rapid expansion of renewables generation has made Independent System Operators (ISO) and Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO) interconnection processes detail oriented and time consuming. When the interconnection application window opens for submission, knowing the right location and capacity for your project will minimize the risk of potential network upgrade costs in the future.

Helping you cut the risk
If you are a renewables developer faced with the challenge of deciding where to start with your resource interconnection plan, DNV’s specialists have the knowledge and experience to help. We can develop the right strategic fit for your investment goal of a successful resource interconnection.

Proven know-how
DNV has experience in providing siting and sizing services across all ISO/RTO regions in North America. Our teams have performed hundreds of screening studies for several developers, helping each of them to size their projects optimally and ensure the project goes through completion successfully.