Synergi Pipeline Simulator software modules
Synergi Pipeline Simulator is a fully integrated, configurable software suite comprised of a core simulation engine that can be enhanced with unique modules – Statefinder, Leakfinder, Trainer and Predictor.
Surge analysis modelling
Synergi Pipeline Simulator provides world-class surge analysis (waterhammer) modelling for valve closures, pump trips, and bubble formation / bubble collapse events. You can model surge relief valves, surge tanks, air valves, and relief tanks. Pipeline Simulator results can be exported to support pipe stress analysis for both worst case unbalanced force and the more advanced time-domain analyses.
Synergi Pipeline Simulator speeds up the time taken to run simulations by automatically optimizing time stepping and allowing knot spacing to be varied by pipe. Synergi Pipeline Simulator’ Model Lab makes it easy to maximize the use of available CPU cores by running multiple scenarios for a single model and reporting run results in a single table in addition to providing typical graphical results.
A Synergi Pipeline Simulator model can be used with other Synergi Pipeline Simulator modules, allowing the surge analysis model to be re-used as a trainer or be connected to SCADA to provide on-line Leak Detection, thereby reducing cost of training and software.
Statefinder provides a powerful on-line decision support tool. Using proprietary state-estimation technology, the Statefinder software module can provide real-time information such as:
- Composition, quality, ownership, batch, pig tracking
- Inventory analysis
- Virtual instrumentation
- Pressure monitoring and alarming
Leakfinder provides real-time leak detection, sizing and location. Unique state estimation technology in the software module gives you optimal performance, even with poor or missing input data. SCADA or telemetry issues will have minimal impact on leak detection performance.
Training pipeline controllers so they are ready from day one to maximize operational revenue is a challenge that faces many pipeline operators, particularly on new pipelines. Ensure that your controllers are fully trained to recognize and respond to abnormal pipeline behaviours or emergency situations with Synergi Pipeline Simulator’s Trainer module. Trainer provides a highly realistic simulation environment, much like a flight simulator for pilots. The Operator Qualification (OQ) tool allows you to manage the pipeline operator qualification process, demonstrate compliance with legislation and provide an auditable record of operator training.
The Predictor software module provides contingency planning, survival time analysis, nominations validation and much more.
The Predictor is built upon Synergi Pipeline Simulator technology and is used by pipeline operators to predict the future state of the pipeline by extending the current state of the pipeline, obtained from Statefinder, forward in time.
Scenario Manager
Scenario Manager is a highly-configurable, and easy-to-use predictive scheduling tool for gas transmission system control rooms. It is designed to help operations teams plan movement of linepack, mitigate against supply interruption or equipment failure and validate operating schedules to keep the system within operational norms.