The renewables group covers two renewable technologies: wind and solar. The purpose of the group is to make sure that DNV stays at the very forefront of research and its application to our business and the industry as a whole. The group covers more traditional aspects such as flow modelling in complex terrain and wake modelling in wind, and degradation of PV panels in solar. The development of the entire renewables industry has also led to more recent and advanced topics being covered. These include wind farm modelling and control, and wind-farm scale blockage. AI in the form of Machine Learning is applied in several areas too, these include image recognition of drone derived images, augmented flow modelling and predictive maintenance of PV plants.

The part of our work related to wind focuses on the following areas:

  • Wind farm modelling and control
  • Flow modelling in general, but wakes and blockage in particular
  • Machine Learning used for image recognition of wind turbine blade defects

In the solar part we focus on:

  • Production modelling
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Degradation

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The renewables programme and challenges


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