The Energy Transition Programme's core activity is to forecast how the energy transition will unfold over the coming decades, looking at energy production, consumption and trade globally and in different regions. The programme also aims to provide a roadmap and guide decision-making on how the world can close the gap between our current path and the Paris agreement ambitions
The energy transition is unfolding at rapid pace, influencing old and new energy systems alike. For DNV with 70% of our business being in energy in one form or another, it is of crucial importance to understand the energy transition, its direction and pace. The energy transition programme synthesises energy transition knowledge, technology and industrial competence from our business areas, local and regional understanding, and combines it with modelling and forecasting skills. The programme provides in-depth knowledge and a shared understanding of the technical developments that enable and contribute to the transition, and the drivers and barriers that will influence the pace.

Energy Transition Outlook 2021
DNV's Energy Transition Outlook is an independent, model-based forecast of the world's most likely energy future through to 2050
Contact us
Sverre Alvik
Vice President and Energy Transition Outlook director