New IMO-Vega WEB and WIN versions
An updated version of the IMO-Vega Database has now been released and is available for purchase. This version is extended with the release of the mandatory Polar Code. Likewise the Code of Practice for Packing of Cargo Transport Units (CTU Code) is introduced.
The CTU Code is supplemented with additional informative material related that Code (MSC.1/Circ.1498). These two new codes have been included in the advanced search feasibility for ship specific codes, likewise the Polar Ship Certificate for certificates and Polar Waters for trade.
Further the Supplement to the IMDG Code 2014 has been renewed.
The database contains IMO documents including resolutions from the Assembly 28th session, MEPC committee 67th session and MSC committee 94th session - and circulars and interpretations up until and including April 2015.
All updated documents are included and consolidated into existing instruments, when relevant (see also 'new documents' in this version on front page). Additionally many of the IMO Instruments have been supplied with internal Contents when the instruments are presented as multiple documents, for easier navigation.
Forthcoming requirements to the mandatory conventions and codes are highlighted in green. Ref. Table of Contents > IMO requirements by enter into force date.
The IMO-Vega database
IMO-Vega is a database of the regulation text of the SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line conventions and other conventions, and codes such as ISM, ISPS, 2000 HSC Code, IBC Code, and much more. For more details go to Appendix D in the Help menu (User Manual).
The WEB and WIN (downloadable or the traditional CD) versions are also available to external customers on IMO’s web site, then go to Publications, Purchase IMO publications / webshop and finally DOWNLOADS, CDs AND DVDs or INTERNET SUBSCRIPTION. Or the customer may buy it at some IMO local distributor, which may be found on Distributors Details. They may also contact IMO publishing.