DNV GL launches major update to ISRS™ with increased scope and new tools to measure the health of business processes

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11 April 2019: The 9th Edition of DNV GL’s unique integrated management system approach has been launched today. ISRS is used to assess, improve and demonstrate the health of organizations' business processes. It provides a range of tried, tested and trusted tools and methodologies which form an integrated management system, used to assess, flexibly implement, and benchmark safety and sustainability management in a wide range of industries and organizations.

Koheila Molazemi, Global Service Area Leader for Risk Management Advisory, DNV GL - Oil & Gas
Liv A. Hovem, CEO, DNV GL – Oil & Gas
  • ISRS is DNV GL’s unique International Safety and Sustainability Rating System used to assess, improve and demonstrate the health of organizations' business processes.
  • ISRS9, or 9th edition, extends the management system to cover the increasingly more important aspects of asset management, energy management, information security, knowledge management, and social responsibility.
  • Updates covering numerous standards for quality and environmental management, occupational health and safety systems, and corporate social responsibility are also included.
  • New digital tools improve efficiency and customer interaction, enhance incident reporting and investigations, and improve benchmarking.

ISRS provides hundreds of companies in the oil and gas, petrochemical, food and beverage, healthcare sectors and many other industries with a ranking of their business processes, based on ten management system aspects, which can be compared to other companies' rankings internationally.  

With ISRS, businesses can demonstrate management control over multiple types of loss including: process safety, asset integrity, occupational health, occupational safety, environmental, quality, security, knowledge, energy, and social responsibility. 

Since its launch 40 years ago, ISRS has been continually developed in collaboration with DNV GL’s major global customers operating in many different industries. The outcome is a new edition, ISRS9, that will provide updated standards and scope, new management system aspects, more efficient business processes plus new and updated software tools. 

Coinciding with ISRS’ 40th anniversary, the major update includes the extension of the management system to cover aspects of additional standards - ISO 55001, ISO 50001 and ISO 27001 (asset management, energy management, and information security).   

Also included are updates to numerous standards for quality and environmental management, occupational health and safety systems, as well as corporate social responsibility standards. Further advances include a new digital app to enhance incident reporting and make investigation faster, improved digital benchmarking services and new digital dashboards to improve efficiency and customer interaction.  

Koheila Molazemi, Global Service Area Leader for Risk Management Advisory, DNV GL - Oil & Gas sums up that “ISRS9 represents a major update to the methodology. It has been significantly updated in all areas and will represent best practice in safety and sustainability management for site-based operations. ISRS9 includes the requirements for major international certification standards and provides a digital knowledge platform for advanced assessment and risk management advisory services. All companies have a management system, but many struggle to get their management system implemented effectively. ISRS9 can help you.” 

Liv A. Hovem, CEO, DNV GL – Oil & Gas said, “I see organizations in all industries under increasing scrutiny from an ever-growing number of stakeholders. Regulators, customers, employees and society expect the highest standards of safety and sustainability. In this highly connected and media savvy world, a company’s brand reputation is vital and if damaged can have considerable financial consequences. Using ISRS gives organizations and their stakeholders' confidence that their operations are safe and sustainable.”

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ISRS™: for the health of your business