DNV GL boosts simulation driven design with upfront Computer Aided Engineering software

As a result of the merger between DNV and Germanischer Lloyd, DNV GL is now strengthening its design and engineering software by expanding its Sesam portfolio with the product Sesam CAESES.

Sesam CAESES supports upfront design optimization in the maritime, offshore and mechanical industries.


With Sesam CAESES (Computer Aided Engineering System Empowering Simulation) users can improve hydro- or aerodynamic performance of designs, for example to achieve lower resistance and reduce pressure drop. This leads to higher energy efficiency of ship hulls, propellers, engines and turbo-machinery, improving environmental and business performance.

Sesam CAESES was previously marketed as FRIENDSHIP-Framework, part of Germanischer Lloyd’s software portfolio.

“FRIENDSHIP-Framework has long been recognized as leading software within its field,” says Are Føllesdal Tjønn, DNV GL. “We are proud to include it now as Sesam CAESES in the Sesam family of products for design and engineering,” he says.

Model, solve and optimize designs upfront

With Sesam CAESES engineers can carry out numerous simulations to optimize designs. It integrates with most of the leading commercial CFD (computational fluid dynamics) codes as well as in-house codes. It can be integrated with other Sesam modules in the design optimization process. Multiple modules can be involved allowing for complex simulation scenarios.

Sesam CAESES is based on a powerful and flexible 3D parametric modeller (Upfront CAD). With this software addition DNV GL will continue to support customers in many different industries that benefit from simulation-driven design such as the maritime, offshore, automotive and mechanical industries.

“Accurate yet fast flow simulations have become increasingly available to design teams over the last decade,” says Stefan Harries, Head of Design Optimization at DNV GL – Digital Solutions. “Consequently, more and more people want to utilize simulation early in their development process. By combining CAESES with the right simulation codes, designers can investigate hundreds and even thousands of variants upfront,” he says.

DNV GL will carry on offering the community edition of FRIENDSHIP-Framework, now called Sesam CAESES Free.

About Sesam

Sesam is world leading software covering design and engineering of ships, offshore floaters, offshore fixed installations and subsea structures. It is a complete system for strength assessment and sea-keeping analysis, assessments according to offshore standards and design and analysis of onshore and offshore wind turbine structures. Sesam covers all engineering tasks during the lifetime of the asset, including simulation-driven design in very early development processes. Read more about Sesam

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