DNV GL Award for Young Professionals: Driving efficiency in shipping
Classification society DNV GL rewarded three engineers for their scientific research and presented them with the DNV GL Award for Young Professionals. This year’s theme was finding innovative ideas for increasing the efficiency of ships and their operation. As well as seeking out the best new research, the award aims to support young professionals in the maritime field and demonstrates how varied and interesting the engineering profession can be.
“Our industry has a lot to offer to young professionals. Shipping faces many challenges and we need innovative solutions to increase safety and competitiveness within the maritime sector and manage its impact on the environment,” said Torsten Schramm, President of DNV GL Maritime, who presented the awards to the winners in a ceremony at the Maritime headquarters in Hamburg.
The third prize and 1,000 Euros went to Klas Reimer from the University of Applied Sciences in Flensburg. He investigated the “influence of the rudder position on the power demand of a propulsion system on board a 8,700 TEU container vessel” for his Bachelor’s thesis.
Based on this year’s submissions the expert jury came to the conclusion that the most appropriate result was to give out two second place awards and 2,000 Euros each to the best entries. Stefan Pietsch won for his analysis he conducted in a seminar paper on the “effectiveness of bulbous bows regarding ship resistance in off-design conditions” as part of his Master’s degree at the University of Rostock. Piotr Lezhnin from the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg outlined a “concept for the determination of propeller-hull interaction coefficients for a containership in a non-design operating point” in his second prize winning thesis. All in all, 18 people from six different countries took part in the competition.
The deadline for submissions for next year’s DNV GL Award for Young Professionals is the 31th March 2015. The range of topics includes shipbuilding and design as well as vessel operation and marine technology – the theme is “safer, smarter, greener”. The entries will be judged by their quality, complexity and their impact on society. All papers must be written in English and are not allowed to be more than three years old. The jury will announce the winners in May 2015.
For more information, please visit the DNV GL website (www.dnvgl.com/YP-award). Entries shall be submitted to the following email address: yp-award@dnvgl.com