EEXI general questions



In case of a major conversion of the vessel, EEDI /EEXI values need to be re-calculated. A major conversion in relation to this context includes any modifications that could cause the ship to exceed the applicable required EEDI /EEXI limits. Please see Re-certification of the EEXI for potential major conversions.

In case of an extensive major conversion which changes the type of the ship, the EEDI must comply with requirements according to the contract date of the alteration as the ship is considered as new ship.



Yes, the manoeuvring charts/posters need to be updated to reflect the manoeuvring capabilities of the vessel with the power limitations installed. For vessels with overridable power limitation DNV proposes to revise the propulsion particulars on the existing wheelhouse poster by adding the new values and striking through the original values (in a way that they are still visible). This way the manoeuvring characteristics of the ship when having all shaft and engine power available, and when shaft or engine power has been limited, are both included. Please also refer to our DNV TecRegNews No 14/2024.

In case of permanent power limitation, the tracks of the nautical manoeuvres presented in the wheelhouse poster to be updated after corresponding trials.  



For permanent power limitations notations, it must be evaluated if the notation complies with the new power settings. If EPL with approved override functionality is applied, notations are not affected.



In cases where the ShaPoLi/EPL system is applied and no changes are made to NOX critical settings and/or components outside what is allowed by the engine technical file as defined in the 2008 NOX Technical Code (NTC 2008), new NOX certification is not needed. Only in cases where the ShaPoLi/EPL system is applied (or other modifications are implied) and the NOX critical settings and/or components are altered beyond what is allowed by the engine technical file as defined in NTC 2008, the NOX rating of the engine needs to be re-certified. In such a case, for an EEDI-certified ship where the ShaPoLi/EPL system is applied at a power below the minimum power requirement of EEDI, the certified engine power (MCR for NOx) should be at the minimum required EEDI power.



The CII calculation generally refers to the correction factors as applied in the EEXI calculation. Please be aware that the capacity correction factor fi cannot directly be applied as it not only includes the ice class correction but might also include the correction for Common Structure Rules (CSR).



You can directly use the approved EEDI or EEXI value instead.



PWind can directly be taken from the EEDI/EEXI technical file. Should installation of WAPS be post initial EEDI/EEXI certification, it needs to be newly calculated. The calculation of the reward factor that can be applied in the FuelEU calculation refers to the effective power calculation as defined in MEPC.1/Circ.896. This calculation considers the force matrix of the installed sail system and a global wind matrix. 

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Decarbonization Plan

A long-term decarbonization strategy to ensure cost-effective fleet compliance.