RAM analysis is a quantitative modelling technique used to predict the performance of an asset. The purpose of a RAM analysis is to provide guidance and information required to support decisions related to the design and operation of an asset throughout its life. The primary goals of RAM are to enhance system availability, increase overall profit and optimize the total lifecycle cost — which includes lost production cost, maintenance cost, operating cost, etc. With improved understanding of how different systems and factors impact availability, our RAM tools Maros, Taro and Maros Lite help you to identify potential reliability and design issues at the early stage. Addressing these concerns early not only streamlines the development process but also saves you from costly modifications and changes down the line.
Throughout an asset’s lifecycle, from design into operation, there are continual challenges to justify expenditure and ensure any CAPEX or OPEX investment is optimized. Although there is often a need to reduce costs, the minimum cost solution may not necessarily be the best option overall. Maros, Taro and Maros Lite can be used to quantify the impact any potential cost saving measure might have on production revenue (i.e. by affecting availability) for a range of energy sectors, including oil & gas, chemical, petrochemical, energy transition and more.
The RAM analysis software is also applicable for a range of assets, including refineries, pipelines, LNG terminals, offshore installations, renewables, transportation, and storage.