Energy storage policy issues

Drawing on worldwide knowledge, DNV advises you on the best policy options for encouraging energy storage in a specific jurisdiction.

As part of the trend to decarbonize electricity and other energy systems, stakeholders need to understand the options for encouraging energy storage in their specific jurisdictions. The main difficulty is to ensure the policy options fit with other policies and laws, especially electricity regulation. Every country is different, so there is no single approach that will fit everywhere.

Advising policymakers, regulators, and project developers
For policymakers and regulators, we provide advice to facilitate storage as a way to avoid or defer electricity network reinforcement, increase competition for provision of ancillary services, or integrate variable renewables. For project developers, we advise on the options for meeting regulatory and statutory requirements. We can also advise on the likelihood and impacts of potential rule changes.

After discussing your objectives, we investigate the jurisdiction’s existing policy and regulatory background, especially electricity regulation and market arrangements. You receive a list of options, with pros and cons, based on our experience in other countries, including consultation with our local staff if necessary. We then work with you to shortlist the options, with the final option(s) investigated in detail.

If you wish, DNV can propose draft text for regulations or secondary legislation, and we can take part in consultation exercises with stakeholders.

A thorough worldwide understanding
Our experience has been gained from many countries and projects worldwide, giving us a thorough understanding of the difficulties and barriers stakeholders encounter when seeking to encourage or implement energy storage and other flexibility options. Thanks to locally-based staff, we have a strong knowledge of what has been tried in other countries.

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