The Green Energy Procurement team supports corporate businesses across their entire green energy procurement journey, including the implementation of green energy initiatives such as corporate Power Purchase Agreements (cPPAs), onsite generation, Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) and green retail products.

Pilc, Jakub_270877Jakub Pilc
Principal Consultant

Jakub has 15 years of experience in energy markets. He is responsible for advising corporate buyers on the implementation of corporate power purchasing agreements (cPPA) and renewable energy procurement worldwide. Jakub is experienced in commercial negotiations with customers and suppliers, including budget and price forecasts, trading, risk management and in the procurement of various energy contracts including cPPAs and unbundled energy attribute certificates (EACs), such as renewable energy guarantee of origin (REGO) and guarantee of origin (GO) certificates.

Sergeeva, Marina_251599Marina Sergeeva
Senior Consultant

Marina Sergeeva has 6 years’ experience and has been actively involved in a range of projects across the NEMEA region. Recently, Marina has been working on cPPA implementation and advisory for key markets within Europe, as well as focusing on green energy procurement, including strategy development, and country market assessments. Marina has good knowledge of the different dimensions of the energy market value chain, working closely with both corporate buyers and energy sellers.

Rafiek Versmissen_120x120Rafiek Versmissen
Head of Energy Strategy Advisory

Rafiek leads the UK-based Energy Strategy Advisory team. He has over 18 years of expertise as an advisor in the energy sector, with a focus on economic, financial, regulatory and strategic advice to utilities and investors.

The Energy Transition is a key focus area for Rafiek, advising energy market participants and corporates on all aspects related to the transition to a smart, flexible energy system. Rafiek specialises in cost-benefit assessment (CBA) and the development of business plans in support of major investment decisions, regulatory applications, or innovations to test the economic viability of new technologies and commercial concepts. Rafiek has an extensive track record supporting clients with business cases for low carbon fuels, decarbonisation strategies and implementation roadmaps, as well as with energy and flexibility market design.