Within DNV, we have widespread market expertise which has allowed us to develop bespoke in-house service offerings, such as power price forecasting. We provide forward curve analysis, enabling corporates to gain foresight on predicted future energy prices. This allows you to make informed decisions based on market intelligence and protect yourself against the risks associated with large-scale energy procurement.
Thanks to our global reach and our close co-operation with energy suppliers in every continent, we have a comprehensive understanding of the renewable energy supplier landscape and the ability to provide our corporate customers with access to them. Our database includes 300+ energy suppliers and 160+ developers globally.
Below is an overview of our market expertise and services.
Power Price Forecasting (PPF)
DNV's PPF has been delivering insight through reliable data-driven predictions to help you maximize profits, avoid missed opportunities and optimize operations. The PPF's are globally renowned for accuracy and reliability. They combine:
- Industry-leading models from the world's foremost meteorological agencies
- Unparalleled understanding of renewable energy systems
- Cutting-edge statistical and physical models, machine learning and data analytics
Energy Transition Outlook (ETO)
- DNV's ETO delivers a yearly long-term energy outlook which presents results from our independent model of the world's energy system
- The ETO forecasts the global energy mix, supply and demand, and other factors related to the world's energy system to 2050
Energy Seller Outreach
- DNV's extensive network of suppliers across the globe means that we have the widest reach in identifying suitable projects for your PPA tender
- DNV stays up-to-date with the latest markets insights and project availability for our corporate clients through regular engagement with our suppliers
- Strong relationships, many suppliers and projects ensures the best opportunities and pricing for our corporate PPA clients
Physical energy market
DNV has extensive experience providing services to participants of the physical energy market. This includes services relate to:
- Asset management
- Physical delivery
- Physical structure products
- EACs market
- Risk management
Financial energy market
DNV also delivers services to participants of the financial energy market. This includes services related to:
- Financial structure products
- Financial settlement
- Risk management