Offshore Wind Financing in Poland

DNV is presenting a tailored course about offshore wind energy financing with focus on the technical requirements and covering the project phases from early design to operation.

The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions was one of the drivers for offshore wind energy since its appearance in the early 1990s. However, the pace of the energy transition has recently changed in the light of the fossil fuel and energy emergency seen in Europe and affecting all countries globally.

The offshore wind technology offers huge chances and opportunities to build large scale assets to replace traditional power plant assets. Offshore wind is therefore seen to play a critical role in the energy transition to a cleaner energy supply, contributing significantly to an increase in renewable power.

According to DNV, the technology can be seen as well developed and mature in the majority of the western industry nations, but it is predicted to grow worldwide. Leading market researchers are predicting a 20 to 30 CARGA rate of growth in the coming years till 2035. Our global team of world leading experts in offshore wind and augmented by DNV’s 20+ years’ experience in this area, this course will provide attendees the knowledge on critical elements for financing offshore wind infrastructure to succeeded with this new and promising technology.


The training will be “live” and “inter-active” meaning that participants are asked to send their questions in advance of the course but also while the course is running to be subsequently progressed in the individual sessions by our experts. The final day also offers an opportunity to have further Q&A at the end of the sessions to discuss questions with the trainers and key experts. On completion, attendees should get a good understanding of the market, technology and how offshore wind financing differs from other infrastructure assets with regards to the requirements and the various project phases. For more details, see the agenda further down.

Learning objective “finance offshore wind training”
Your starting point is right if you…
• …Are curious and interested in offshore wind;
• …Have had limited or no exposure to offshore wind in the past;
• …Are a financial, technical or commercial specialist or expert in a field that has potential to be used or transferred in offshore wind in the near future;
• …Are exposed to processes or components that are associated to the financing of the asset.

The course will be held utilizing classroom attendance of the core experts but also supported by a few video livestreams from our global team. The content experts and speakers are:

Elisabeth Purk

Elisabeth Purk
Peter Frohböse

Peter Frohböse
Hans Cleijne

Hans Cleijne
Michal Gronert

Michał Gronert
Marisa Ahrens

Marisa Ahrens
Shantanu Batra

Shantanu Batra


For whom?
The target group for this training are professionals from the finance sector – lenders, investors - working in the infrastructure industry, but also developers, suppliers, insurance, OEM’s and regulators – who aims a fast learning of offshore wind technology requirements for financing.



Draft course outline

Introduction and context

O.1     Welcome and outlook on content O.2     History, & Outlook, trends and future

Block I: Technology & Development cycle

I.1 Development cycle: Wind resources Energy yield; Site investigation and met ocean & Design considerations

I.2 Technology overview: Turbine technologies; Electrical systems; Structures (FOU & OSS); Fabrication, installation and construction

I.3 Development cycle: Procurement strategies; Contracts and contracting; Risk management; Project management

I.4 Operations & Life Cycle: Operations Basic (Access strategies); Operational expenditure & availability; Lifetime extension and decommissioning

Block II: Finance and Due Diligence

II.1 Typical Risks and their allocation in the Offshore Wind assets: allocation in the time and to the components

II.2 Risk Management and Mitigations

II.3 Procurements & Contract Strategy; Supply Contracts turbine TSA example(s)

II.4 Energy Production. EPA Reading for Financiers 

II.5 Worst Case scenario examples for financial exploration 

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