IEC 62056 - DLMS/COSEM training course
Two-day training course regarding the capabilities, benefits and recent developments of the IEC 62056 communication protocol.
Correct exchange of meter data is of major importance in the liberalized energy market. Remote energy meter interrogation is essential for the fast and reliable determination of balance or unbalance between forecasts and actual energy usage as well as for a smooth meter-to-bill process. The data collection protocol IEC 62056 is an international standard that is fit for this purpose, as it is developed to support a wide variety of utility businesses processes in the energy meter. This course will provide you with the knowledge you need regarding the capabilities and benefits of IEC 62056 communication and regarding recent developments in this field.
- Introduction
- Open communication standards
- Overview IEC 62056 - DLMS/COSEM
- Device modelling and addressing
- COSEM classes
- OBIS codes
- DLMS messages
- Exercises with DLMS analyzer
- AMI communication architectures
- Details of the application association
- Pushing data with DLMS
- Syntax notation and encoding
- Efficiency measures in DLMS
- DLMS over HDLC
- DLMS over IP
- Exercises with DLMS client and meter simulator
- DLMS security
- Interoperability: compliance and compatibility
- Puzzle and quiz
- Questions / Discussion
At the conclusion of the course, you will be familiar with this communication standard, you will know how to go about implementing IEC62056 in your device and you will know how to test your implementation.
Target audience
Software developers, testers, engineers, consultants and telecom engineers at manufacturers and end-user utilities who require up-to-date knowledge about IEC 62056 - DLMS/COSEM.
On request, Energy Academy can provide an in-house training course in the English, Spanish or Dutch language (content, location and duration of the course can be adapted to the client's wishes). Please contact us for more information.
On your request and after alignment with DNV Energy Academy, a 'Companion Specification' module that focusses on a country/project specific extension can be added to the training.