APQP4Wind Management and Specialist Refresher Training
This training is only eligible for candidates who holds existing APQP4Wind Management AND APQP4Wind Specialist certificates and needs to get recertified. The main purpose of the training is to update and refresh knowledge of the APQP4Wind framework, the rationales behind the changes and to stimulate and mobilize the participants further for implementation. It is further to present and discuss experience achieved in implementation and use of APQP4Wind DOs and DONTs as well as specific cases. In addition to refresh the knowledge and rationales behind the framework and the value in using it from a management perspective and experience achieved during the latest 4 years period as well as future perspectives. It is finally to present the status and directions of the APQP4wind development.
Target group
This training is only eligible for candidates who holds existing APQP4Wind Management AND APQP4Wind Specialist certificates and needs to get recertified. The training is targeting:
- managers involved in deciding and outlining APQP4Wind on a strategic level as well as managers involved in implementation and use of APQP4Wind processes.
- specialists and managers involved in the APQP4Wind process, within sales, quality management, coordination, product- and system development etc. at Windpower Suppliers, sub-Suppliers, Manufacturers and Customers. It is a prerequisite for attending the combined Management/Specialist Refresher Training that you have already attended both APQP4Wind Management Awareness Training and APQP4Wind Specialist Training course previously and holds certification for both courses.
- Updates of manual, workbook, analysis tool and presentation of main changes
- Presentation of main changes to the core tools (ex D- and PFMEA)
- DOs and DONTs in implementation of APQP4Wind
- Discussion of specific cases (group work)
- Presentation of APQP4Wind organization and options to join as member
- Changes in OEM subscribing to APQP4Wind
- Examples and discussions related to the interpretations, application, management and implementation of the topics
Course details
- The training is interactive with combinations of lectures, group work and discussions of central topics.
- The training is finalized with two multiple-choice tests, one for Management Awareness recertification and one for Specialist recertification
- The training is held online
- Training Certificates are issued to all participants passing the test. Training certificates are valid for 4 years.
- It is a prerequisite for attending the Combined Refresher training that the participant previously attended both an APQP4Wind Specialist Training AND an APQP4Wind Management Awareness Training provided by one of the approved training providers and that the participant can document this with valid certificates