Streamline repetitive FE preprocessing tasks
Ships and offshore floating (OWT and O&G) structures are designed using computer-aided design (CAD) tools, producing geometries that are not suitable for immediate finite element analysis. Up until now, finite element pre-processing from CAD to Mesh has been a tedious task. The Sesam and MSC Apex teams have created a brand-new workflow that changes that.
Watch our webinar to learn how MSC Apex reduces the time for engineers building Sesam analyses. Experts from both MSC Apex and Sesam will showcase the benefits and demonstrate the new workflow to streamline processes (floating offshore wind turbines and ships).
Key benefits:
- Seamless workflow integration
- Importing the CAD model directly into MSC Apex
- Model organization (and effortless re-organization)
- Python-enabled automation tools for Repeated workflows, optimized for offshore engineers using Sesam
Ole Jan Nekstad, Product Director Sesam, Digital Solutions at DNV - Ole Jan Nekstad took his M.Sc. in offshore engineering from NTH (now NTNU), Trondheim, Norway in 1981. He started his tenure with DNV straight out of university, where he has done numerous FE analyses of ships, semi-submersibles, GBS, and jackets. He joined the software part of DNV in 1989 and has been looking after Sesam as its product director since 1994. He was project manager of the Joint Investment Project “Sesam 2000” that lead to the Sesam known in the industry today.
Stefan Tynelius, Business Developer Specialist EMEA, MSC Apex Software - After graduating from the Chalmers University of Technology with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, Stefan joined Volvo Car Corporation. His role in the CAE department involved body NVH work in vehicle programs and advanced engineering projects focusing on method development. In 2002 he joined the Ford Motor Company of Australia, where he extended the scope to Complete Vehicle NVH CAE, still focusing on both vehicle programs and CAE methods. Stefan joined MSC Software, now Hexagon, in 2006, where he holds his current position. Stefan is passionate about empowering clients through technology and has the pleasure of working across multiple industries, focusing on marine and offshore structures.
Chris Kubes, Software Support Engineer Engineer - Digital Solutions at DNV - Chris graduated from Texas A&M University with an Aerospace degree in 2002. He has worked in the aerospace and offshore industries as an engineer for 17 years. Currently, Chris holds the Software Support Engineer role for floating structure design and has been in this position for six years.

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