Online atlas for renewable generation

Preliminary assessments of the potentials and risks of wind and solar projects, made simple

DNV’s Online Atlas is a web service especially designed to assist investors and developers in the identification of best areas and potential risks, supporting their investment decisions in wind and solar assets.

Quick and easy access to the power grid, environmental restrictions, natural risks, roads… All of these points can be as important as the energy resource information in order to identify the best areas for development. Unfortunately, getting all the key data to carry out such assessments is not always that simple. Many sources of information are publicly available but are dispersed, not easy to find, query or aggregate to other sources to get a comprehensive view.

In other cases, relevant indicators are neither publicly available nor easily inferred from all this dispersed information, or do not even exist. Building on its deep business know-how and technical expertise, DNV is able to create such valuable information and link it with other geographical datasets to provide complete insights in a useful and easily interpretable way.

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This is the motivation behind the development of the DNV´s Online Atlas, a web application that allows you to:

Explore geographical information with an exhaustive catalogue of relevant geographical features affecting a project location. This includes information about protected areas, natural hazard zones, hydrology, terrain models, and other valuable datasets

Query the system choosing between a wide variety of filters on the available layers, setting up and composing complex conditions in a very intuitive way. The Online Atlas enables the user to easily discover, analyse and narrow down suitable locations on the fly based on own criteria.

The goal is to offer a powerful tool, yet very easy to use even for GIS-untrained users, bringing all the key functionalities together in a single one-stop web application. And backed by the experience of DNV on assessing risks for renewables assets. This app is currently commercially available in Spain and Mexico. Other countries can be evaluated if demanded.

How to access the tool
Access is available under monthly or annual subscription.

What information is in it?
Valuable datasets under subscription:

  • Wind and solar resources
  • Power grids (substations, transmission lines)
  • Electricity prices (distributed/local prices)
  • Natural hazards (meteorological, geological…)
  • Environment, protected areas
  • Heritage, monuments
  • Terrain model
  • Populated areas
  • Infrastructures
  • Special land usage, social features.