Mechanical systems engineering for wind turbines

Helping you streamline conceptual and preliminary design for turbines through technology transfer, training and smooth and efficient cooperation with the supply chain.

Reliability, drive train efficiency and ease of maintenance help ensure the long-term economic feasibility of new wind and wave  turbines. Realizing these crucial success factors relies on having the right mechanical specifications for each component and the turbine as a whole.

You can ensure you achieve that through our mechanical systems engineering services. Our experts work closely with you to create a mechanical systems design specifications which are fully integrated into your overall turbine design.

Component and turbine design
We follow a two-step process. Step one is conceptual design. Here, we work with you to create an integrated turbine design and draft specifications for the main components. These could include:

  • Main bearing(s)
  • Pitch bearing
  • Yaw bearing
  • Pitch drive
  • Yaw drive
  • Yaw brakes
  • Gearbox
  • Generator

We support you in your dealings with the supply chain; discussing specifications with potential suppliers and helping you choose the right component for your needs.

Step two focuses on the preliminary design, translating the conceptual component specifications from step one into detailed basic design specifications.

A complete package
At the end of the project, you receive a bespoke design specification report. You will own the resulting design. In addition, our extensive training and efficient technology transfer means you will understand the design process and have the knowledge required to take the design successfully into series production.

Related information

Have a look at our brochure, video and related links.

Turbine Engineering Support

Turbine Engineering Support

DNV’s Turbine engineering team provides world-leading independent expertise in wind turbine technology, design and analysis. We support the industry in the design and operation of more reliable and cost-effective wind turbines. Watch our new video to find out more.