Choosing the right project

We help you understand the business consequences of a technical decision – and the technical consequences of a business decision.

We help you choose the right project
We help you understand the business consequences of a technical decision – and the technical consequences of a business decision. Investment decisions in projects are normally done under large uncertainty. These uncertainties appear at different points in time, and often differ in nature, involving technical, environmental or economical elements. Failure to manage risks at the right time may result in project overruns, delays and poor performance. DNV can support you in assessing the total value, risk and robustness of the investment - before you make your final decisions.

Our approach
Assessing the total value and uncertainty – and thus the total risk – of an investment is the main objective of DNV’s Project Risk Management Services. Our approach is different from the traditional discounted cash flow approach, which integrates all risks into the discount rate. Instead, we model the uncertainties into cash flow elements, such as costs, availability, schedule, etc. This adds to the understanding of the impact of risk drivers, and offers a better starting point for managing those risks in the investment project that typically follow the investment.

Project Risk Management is specifically designed for studies of:

  • Needs analysis
  • Project strategy
  • Requirement analysis
  • Alternative analysis
  • Flexibility and robustness of different concepts
  • Cost-benefit assessments
  • Uncertainty analysis