The benefits
Predictive maintenance can help to anticipate failures and optimize maintenance interventions, which will result in an increase in the plant’s availability and performance. Anticipating failures will allow O&M service providers to better manage and plan staff assignments, spare parts, and replacements. Decreasing the number of unexpected failures reduces the cost of electricity as it eliminates the need for back up reserves and it also contributes to a more stable grid.
Developing a standardized system of predictive maintenance now will allow these benefits, and the deployment of anomaly detection systems can help to close the gap between the current situation and the next generation of predictive maintenance systems.
The studies conducted so far have demonstrated the efficacy of current techniques and the general solution framework which could be applied to the different components within the PV plant, but more work needs to be done before predictive maintenance becomes a ubiquitous tool across the industry.
Although commercially available predictive maintenance systems are being developed by manufacturers, system operators have requested independent solutions that can be uniformly deployed across their technologically diverse system portfolios. Third-party independently developed systems can provide an unbiased, more robust approach that can complement and verify the findings from proprietary systems. It is important, however, for all industry stakeholders to act and address the issues preventing predictive maintenance from reaching its full potential.