Digital assurance for a sustainable future
Each year, DNV invests 5% of its revenue in research, development and innovation. Our Research Review 2021 provides an overview of the main long-term strategic research projects from this year.
With the climate crisis being felt across the world and scientific assessment pointing to a likely warmer and more volatile climate than previously thought, we at DNV believe there is still a realistic chance of a pathway to net zero emissions in 2050. Our research focuses on renewables, hydrogen, zero carbon fuels and grid integration to accelerate the energy transition.
Digital technologies will help us to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals and will provide huge business opportunities for those that master the digital business models of the future. Our research focuses on digital assurance and the assurance of purely digital and cyber-physical assets.
With a new Group Research and Development strategy in place, we have strengthened our research into the ocean space and healthcare and added a new focus on food systems and supply chains. I hope you enjoy the read, become inspired and remain a research partner and customer in the future.
Personal highlights
Click through for a selection of our researchers' top 2021 moments