DNV is concerned with knowing what impact climate changes in met-oceanographic conditions may have on future ship design and operations.
There are still significant uncertainties related to climate change predictions and the activities in the Ship Environment Group focus on quantification of these uncertainties and modelling them, on understanding potential impacts of climate change on the ship environment and the consequences to ship design and operations. The Group is also concerned with modelling of extreme and rogue waves, statistical description of these waves, their probability of occurrence and their impact on ship design and operations. The present activities include in addition met-ocean description for ship manoeuvrability in deep water and coastal areas and ship behaviour in these conditions.
- Understanding climate change impacts on future met-ocean conditions
- Modelling of uncertainties related to climate change projections of met-ocean conditions, particularly wind and waves.
- Assessing impacts of changing met-ocean conditions on future ship design and operations.
- Theoretical, numerical and statistical modelling of rogue waves
- Evaluation of probability of occurrence of rogue waves and their impact on ship design and operations.
- Met-ocean description for ship manoeuvrability in deep water and coastal areas and ship behaviour in these conditions.
Explore our ship environment projects.
Safety of Navigation in the Baltic Sea by Sea Traffic Management
Environmental Contours for SAfe DEsign of Ships and other marine structures (ECSADES): accounting for extreme conditions
EXtreme wave WArning criteria for MARine structures (ExWaMar): rogue wave alerts
Extreme Wave and Climate Change (ExWaCli): consequences for the design and operation of marine structures

Ole Christian Astrup
Senior Principal Specialist
Odin Gramstad
Senior Researcher Ocean Waves, Hydrodynamics
Erik Vanem
Metocean specialist

Bingjie Guo
Senior Engineer

Ole Christian Astrup
Senior Principal Specialist
Odin Gramstad
Senior Researcher Ocean Waves, Hydrodynamics

Bingjie Guo
Senior Engineer