New IMO-Vega online version
The database contains updated and consolidated IMO documents including resolutions from the Assembly 32nd session, MEPC committee 80th session, MSC committee 107th session - and circulars and interpretations including October 2023.
Relevant for design offices, shipyards, suppliers, owners/managers, flag states.
The IMO-Vega database
IMO-Vega is a searchable database of the regulation text of the SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line conventions and other conventions, and codes such as ISM, ISPS, 2000 HSC Code, IBC Code, and much more.
In this release, the database is adapted to all the requirements (SOLAS and adjacent instruments) entering into force 2024-01-01.
MSC 107 (June 2023) adopted inter alia amendments to the following Conventions: SOLAS; II-1, II-2, V, XIV, Forms; 88P, 78P and 74, and STCW. Mandatory Codes; 2023 Diving (new), 2023 IMSBC, HSC 2000 and 1994, LSA, Polar and STCW. Other Codes; MODU 2009, 1989 and 1979, SPS 2008 and 1983 Forms. Further a new version of Performance standards for water level detectors was adopted.
MEPC 80 (July 2023) adopted inter alia amendments to the following Convention: BWM; Form of Ballast Water Record Book. Further amendments to guidelines on BWM and on EEDI and EEXI and new guidelines on GHG intensity of marine fuels, ships' biofouling and IHS were adopted.
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