New IMO-Vega online version

The database contains updated and consolidated IMO documents including resolutions from the Assembly 32nd session, MEPC committee 79th session, MSC committee 106th session - and circulars and interpretations including April 2023.

Relevant for design offices, shipyards, suppliers, ship owners and managers as well as flag states.

The IMO-Vega database

IMO-Vega is a searchable database of the regulation text of the SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line conventions and other conventions, and codes such as ISM, ISPS, 2000 HSC Code, IBC Code, and much more.

The IMO-Vega Database, developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and DNV AS, puts all the necessary information on safety and pollution prevention requirements applicable to ships at your fingertips.

In this release, inter alia the MSC 106 (November 2022) adopted amendments to the following Convention; SOLAS II-2, XV (new) and Form (78P), Mandatory Codes; IP Code (new), IBC, IGC, ESP, IGF. Further new versions of performance standards for LRIT and for ECDIS were adopted.

MEPC 79 (December 2022) adopted inter alia amendments to the following Convention; MARPOL I, II, IV, V and V, Mandatory Code; IBC. Further new versions of guidelines for the EEDI were adopted and guidelines for regional reception facilities plan and guidelines for specification for shipboard incinerators were amended.

Further the Advanced search functions for ship types have been examined and improved. This is elaborated in Appendix A of the user manual, under A.4 Ship Type with amendments underlined (pages 15 – 17). Further this Appendix A has been extended with a new part; A.1, explaining Active and non-active documents.

Further the specifications of retroactive requirements have been extended in the head field, when relevant.


IMO-Vega is available on IMO’s web site for IMO-Vega on IMO’s website for IMO-Vega. Customers can also purchase it from one of the local IMO distributors, they are listed under distributors details. They may also contact IMO publishing at


IMO's website for IMO-Vega


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