

UK voyages must be reported from the first relevant arrival or departure in 2022.



The first UK MRV Emissions Reports will have to be verified by 30 April 2023 for the 2022 data.



Customers simply need to continue monitoring and reporting as they do today. DNV's system will identify the relevant data for UK MRV, EU MRV and IMO DCS, so the submission of one set of log abstract and bunker reports will then cover all three reporting schemes.



The EU MRV monitoring plan will remain valid for UK MRV, i.e. No separate UK MRV monitoring plan is required. By carrying the EU MRV MP, the vessel will comply with both, the UK MRV and the EU MRV regulations, and, thereby, have the highest flexibility to operate in the UK as well as in the EU.
DNV will provide a respective Statement of Compliance to all customers for download from the Veracity customer portal. This statement will be non-ship-specific for plans already verified and ship-specific for plans verified in the future and will confirm that the EU MRV monitoring plan is suitable as UK MRV monitoring plan, too. This DNV Statement of Compliance will enable customers to prove compliance with UK MRV towards authorities.



Yes, DNV is authorized / accredited for the UK MRV verifications, now and later: Until end of 2023 we are allowed to verify based on our existing EU MRV accreditation, from some time in 2023, depending on the progress of the UKAS accreditation procedure, we will hold the UKAS accreditation which will be required from 2024 onwards.



After Brexit on 1 January 2021, the UK MRV became the third CO2 reporting scheme relevant for shipping companies, alongside the EU MRV and IMO DCS regulations. It is applicable to vessels >5000 GT calling at UK ports.



DNV will verify MRV MPs for both, EU-MRV and UK-MRV and you will get an SoC proving compliance with both, EU MRV and UK MRV.



Yes, also for UK MRV only cargo related voyages need to be reported.



In a nutshell, the differences between EU MRV and UK MRV are very small, mainly related to the voyage scope and certain UK specifics. Basically, UK MRV is EU MRV with “EU” replaced by “UK”.



As per information received from the UK Department for Transport, the requirement for ship operators to report emissions is delayed, which does not affect the legal requirement to monitor vessel emissions, remaining in place. Once a digital solution for the reporting of maritime emissions under the UK MRV regime is in place, data from any intervening years is to be submitted. To avoid administrative burden related to historical data availability due to numerous crew changes and possible handover of a vessel to another company, DNV strongly recommends that companies submit their 2022 UK MRV Emission Report for verification together with the Fuel Oil Consumption Report and EU MRV Emission Report (if applicable).