User guides
Owner’s user guide
Download the 6-page PDF
Third party user guide
Download the 7-page PDF
Frequently asked questions
Below you will find a collection of frequently asked questions regarding DNV GL’s use of electronic certificates. Click on the questions to read the answers:
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Answer:Issuing full-term statutory certificates is based on acceptance from flags. Class certificates will be issued with digitally signed electronic certificates for all vessels.
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Answer:Endorsements will also be done by digitally signing the electronic certificate. This means that no certificate will be manually signed and stamped during endorsement.
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Answer:No manual changes will be done on the certificates. Instead, they will be changed electronically and re-issued.
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Answer:Normally at the first annual, intermediate or renewal survey after September 2017. For vessels with ISM, ISPS or MLC only, at the first upcoming periodical audit or inspection. Electronic certificates will also be issued for new vessels delivered after the roll-out date.
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Answer:Endorsed and digitally signed certificates are always updated and available in the My DNV GL portal, and an email subscription can be set up to receive new certificates when issued. The surveyor will also be able to deliver electronic certificates on request after conclusion of the survey. Owners/managers can grant temporary access to external stakeholders, e.g. Port State Control, to view the valid certificates on
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Answer:It will be possible in My DNV GL to subscribe to receive issued or endorsed certificates. It is recommended to create a vessel-specific user account. Then the certificates will be sent to the vessel when issued.
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Answer:All certificates accessed in My DNV GL are valid certificates. In addition, external stakeholders can verify the status and validity of the certificates online at the site using the Unique Tracking Number (UTN) on the certificate.
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Answer:DNV GL has informed and received acceptance for electronic certificates from many major flags, port states, port authorities, vetting and others. In addition, pilot projects with customers are being run on different types of vessels trading in different geographical zones with the objective to gain experience with electronic certificates on the owners’ work process, port clearance and stakeholder acceptance. Results are very positive and experience shows that their work with certificates is being reduced and less time is needed for clearance. Vessels issued with digitally signed electronic certificates have successfully been through close to 1,000 port state inspections worldwide in 4 months since the roll out. No negative experience has been reported on the regime.
- For customers: DATE – Direct Access to Technical Experts via My DNV
- Otherwise: Use our office locator to find the nearest DNV maritime office
Related links
Document authentication from DNV

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