FAQs on Clean Shipping Index (CSI)


Clean Shipping Index Verification

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Find answers to frequently asked questions on CSI

What is CSI?



  • All ports in Sweden 
  • Prince Rupert, Canada
  • Vancouver; Canada 
  • Helsinki Finland


Basically all cargo-carrying vessel types, such as general cargo, reefer, bulk, tanker, gas carrier, container, RoRo, RoPax and car carrier 


  • CO2 emissions, nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions, particulate matter (PM) emissions, use of chemicals, water and waste management
  • Verification assessment based on a catalogue of 25 basic questions


  • The CSI requires verification by an acknowledged classification society. 
  • The CSI includes a broader range of environmental parameters.
  • The CSI provides rather significant port fee reductions for vessels frequently calling at Swedish ports. 
  • Besides ship owners and operators, members of the CSI network also include cargo owners.

How is CSI verification performed?



  1. Shipping company submits data in Clean Shipping Index database 
  2. Shipping company and verifier agree on terms of verification of vessel data 
  3. Shipping company contacts Clean Shipping Index secretariat for acceptance of the verifier 
  4. The Clean Shipping Index provides the verifier access to all the vessel data of the shipping company 
  5. Audit by classification company 
  6. When compliance is shown, the auditor confirms this in the database whereafter Clean Shipping Index generates a certificate
  • Depending on the agreement with DNV, the verification process is considered to take no longer than 2 days (completeness of all necessary data provided)
  • The verification process includes one audit at the ship management office as well one audit on board the vessel


  • CO2: The reported CO2 emissions of the vessel are compared to a reference vessel of the same type and size. The EEDI reference line from the IMO is used as a starting point
  • NOx: The NOx emission level used by CSI is defined according to TIER I, II and III as set by the IMO
  • SOx and PM: Based on the sulphur content of fuel and treatment of exhaust gases
  • Chemicals: Chemical use in antifouling paint, type of stern tube oil, hydraulic fluids, gear oils, boiling cooling water treatment system installed, contents of chemicals in cleaning agents, type of refrigerants used
  • Wastewater: Treatment of sewage and grey water, management of solid waste, sludge oil handling, bilge water treatment and crew awareness


  • The certificate is valid for a maximum of 2.5 years, plus or minus 6 months. An on-board and office audit need to be performed on all parameters after this time.

  • Emission of CO2, SOx and PM needs to be verified annually by an office audit.



  • Based on the 25-question survey’s information regarding the vessel’s emissions of CO2, NOx, SOx, PM as well as chemical usage and water and waste management 
  • The company needs to have the EEOI calculated and available for the vessels being audited, in line with the IMO requirements in MEPC.1/Circ.684 – GUIDELINES FOR VOLUNTARY USE OF THE SHIP ENERGY EFFICIENCY OPERATIONAL INDICATOR (EEOI).
  • The data of the last 12-month period are considered.


A complete list of the required documentation for the verification can be found in the CSI Verification Guideline at www.cleanshippingindex.com.


If non-compliance is revealed during the audit, the shipping company must adjust the scoring or adjust the performance followed by an additional survey for that item.


  • In addition to individual vessel verifications, shipping companies are offered a “company verification” which leads to highlighted exposure in the Clean Shipping Index database. 
  • The requirement for a “company verification” status is having a certain number of vessels from the feet verified, based on the square root of total feet (fractions rounded up).

How is the CSI score calculated and what proof do I have?



  • Scores are given for “environmentally-friendly” solutions. 
  • Scores for SOx, PM and NOx can only be obtained for measures that go beyond existing IMO regulations. 
  • Weighting is based on information provided about environmental parameters in the survey.


  • Each vessel is verified individually. 
  • Each vessel score adds up to a carrier’s fleet score. The average fleet score hence leads to the carrier’s score. 
  • For owned but not reported vessels, a score of zero is assumed.


A full audit, including on-board and office verification, needs to repeated every 2.5 years (+/–6 months).

What are the costs and benefits?



  • Port authorities grant discounts on port tariffs, depending on the vessel’s rating. 
  • The Swedish Maritime Operation provides an up to 90% discount on fairway dues. 
  • Discounts on port fees are also provided in Helsinki, Vancouver and Prince Rupert (gold, silver and bronze ratings).


  • The CSI secretariat charges an administrative fee of €500 for the full audit. 
  • The cost for verification depends on different factors, e.g. audit scheme and fleet size. Please contact us at www.dnvgl.com/csi.


  • The owner might be more likely to achieve higher charter rates. 
  • CSI-verified companies and vessels might be granted higher supplier status. 
  • Insurance providers might offer deductions on policies. 
  • Network members benefit from environmental developments in the maritime industry.