Survey results

The survey aimed to answer the following questions:
  • Which Internet of People trends were healthcare stakeholders most excited about and why?
  • Which were the perceived biggest risks to adopting the Internet of People in healthcare?
  • How could healthcare use the Internet of People for a safe and sustainable future for all?
  • How could healthcare overcome risks to adopting the Internet of People?


  1. Ownership of and access to which data (e.g., individual, governmental, insurance, communal, supplier)
  2. Inequality in accessing technology (e.g., internet-enabled health devices)
  3. Different rules and regulations in different geographical areas can inhibit globalization of digital data lows (e.g., legal issues in cross-border digital data low, interoperability of health information)
  4. Unclear governance structures to promote public trust in the use of digital data 
  5. Different IT laws and regulations in different countries (e.g., China bans variable data protection laws)


  1. Poor cybersecurity (e.g., high risk of cybercrime, cyberstalking, digital abuse).
  2. Poor data quality 
  3. Lack of data standardization (formats, domain models, deinitions, etc., for example, generated sensor data differs from device to device, disabling data analysis)
  4. High amounts of spam, hoaxes, and bogus data
  5. Poor digital infrastructure (e.g., slow internet connections, sparse availability of mobile technology)


  1. Fear of misuse of personal data by, for example, insurance companies, marketers, and the pharmaceutical industry
  2. Professional resistance (e.g., automation replaces jobs, technology increases workload, investment in adaptability and adoption of technology)
  3. Low acceptance of the Internet of People due to resistance to change
  4. Organizational bureaucracy not designed for implementing new technologies (e.g., rigidness in decision-making processes)
  5. Privacy issues (e.g., who owns personal data, who can use and have access to personal data, service users cannot delete their own user data)


  1. Unclear and unit reimbursement models – who should pay for what (e.g., iCloud space, collection and sharing of data, new digital ways of healthcare delivery)
  2. The absence of solid evidence about the economic impact of the Internet of People in healthcare
  3. Reputational risks due to, for example, cyber attacks, compromised digital services, and poor digital data quality.
  4. Different purchasing power among different stakeholders, such as patients and policy makers, and among different countries
  5. Uncertain and unclear investment value and returns in implementing the Internet of People in healthcare

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Survey results

View the survey results here