We help our clients proactively include equity in their strategies and plans, for the betterment of their businesses and their customers.
DNV connects the interests of stakeholders throughout the energy value chain from regulators and utilities, to developers and investors, to CBOs and end-users.
“Energy is a basic need that most of us take for granted much of the time. It’s not until our access to energy is disrupted that we realize how necessary it is for a normal, modern lifestyle.", says Dr. Shawn Bodmann, Director of Energy & Climate Equity team.
"And the first thing to know about energy equity is that we don’t yet have it. Without intervention, the energy transition could widen energy inequality, which is caused by racial, social and economic disparities. These are the fundamental inequities that we’re trying to address when we talk about an equitable energy transition,” said Jarred Metoyer, SVP, Energy Systems North America.
Regulators increasingly expect utilities to be proactive in the face of the energy transition. Identifying, understanding and addressing potential risks and vulnerabilities requires focus and technical diligence to arrive at the right preparedness strategies. Companies that lead are the ones that own the future.
An unjust transition is a major risk. A just transition is an opportunity to accelerate the transition and reverse historic inequities.
Public-private collaboration will also be a key factor in achieving the energy transition, which raises the importance of a multidirectional approach with a variety of benefits for each project.
“If you’re trying to make things happen and you just look at it from a pure return-on-investment, cost-effective aspect, it doesn’t pencil out and people move on.” – Jarred says, - “When one project has multiple benefits, however, it’s easier to attract multiple streams of investment” .
For the second consecutive year, DNV took active part in the Energy Thought Summit. Building on the ideas of last year, Jarred Metoyer delivered another powerful speech that called for rapid action to address historical systemic racism and inequities in our society.
“We can't solve today's problems with the tools of yesterday. We have to avoid "analysis paralysis" - it's great to have goals, but we need to really understand what the next steps are and what it is going to take to go to the next level.", said Jarred @ ETS23, backing it with DNV's expert research findings. Watch both 14 minute talks below.
“We need to be intentional, we need to be accountable, and we need to be radical in our thinking!”, Jarred Metoyer @ ETS22 - watch the talk or read the related article.
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