CO2-efficient transport via ocean

CETO provides insights to large scale shipping of CO2 at low pressure


Carbon capture and storage (CCS) will be a key technology if the world is to meet the goals of the Paris and Glasgow agreements. Although the technologies and the industry are very much still emerging, a possible challenge is connecting capture sources to facilities for use or storage sites, especially where pipelines are not an option. As a result, CO2 transport ship technology will be needed if large quantities are to be safely transported at costs that are commercially viable.


The CO2-efficient transport via ocean (CETO) joint industry project (JIP) aims to reduce the risks and uncertainties related to the design, construction, and operation of a low-pressure CO2 ship transport chain. Proving that a low-pressure CO2 value chain is both feasible and reliable through examining the fundamentals of a low-pressure CO2 transport chain:

  • An LCO2 ship design, with low pressure tank and cargo handling system
  • Material choice and testing
  • Medium-scale testing and process simulation of cargo handling
  • Conditioning and liquefaction
  • Testing LCO2 behaviour at low pressure

For the purpose of the technology qualification, a generic and conceptual value chain was defined to ensure consistency through the input/output of each element of the chain.


The project will provide fundamental knowledge and experience applicable to any low-pressure value chain. It has been developed independently from existing proprietary solutions to ensure insight and control of all relevant operations and designs.

Project status

Ongoing: started in 2022.

Contact us

Gabriele Notaro

Gabriele Notaro

Principal Engineer

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