Healthcare certification and accreditation

As a trusted partner, we work with healthcare providers, national and regional health authorities, and key stakeholders around the world to improve healthcare quality and facilitate the provision of patient-centered, safe care.

High-quality health systems must be cost-effective, with an openness to learn and continuously improve. These systems must also have the respect and dignity of the patient and family at their core. Improving quality and enhancing patient safety through the implementation of a quality management system is the best way to provide patient-centered care.

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US Healthcare homepage

Quality driven accreditation and clinical excellence certifications to America's hospitals.


Hospital accreditation services

Quality accreditation - Consistent, collaborative, continuously improving.


Healthcare specialty program certifications

Validating excellence in hospital specialty care programs.


Healthcare training and individual certification

Relatable experts, relevant content! In-person and virtual options. Most courses can be delivered in a public or private setting.


Collaborative High Reliability™ and Collaborative Just Culture™

The first qualification and certification of high reliability and just culture by a global, independent audit organization.

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