The digital asset ecosystem

Electric grid ecosystem

Reliable, relevant and high quality data readily available for electrical utilities

Electric utility asset management

Aging infrastructure, increasing performance and reliability requirements and decreasing or stagnating funding, create huge challenges for utilities. With these - and many more - challenges, it is imperative to have reliable (relevant and high quality) data readily available. Electrical utilities have spent decades accumulating data, and the large quantities of data can create challenges. Data being gathered and stored in different legacy systems, and often managed or even duplicated by different departments, is difficult to access, and can lead to errors. Additionally, there are often missed opportunities for more effective actions in sustaining reliability and performance goals of serving the utility customers and meeting regulatory expectations. Whether you are a system operator looking at equipment overload capabilities, a maintenance manager handling an emergency, or an asset manager developing replacement strategies, you are using asset data to make decisions that are critical to the success of your utility.

Asset performance management

DNV and utilities are striving toward a more sophisticated approach to asset performance management, which involves a combination of data capture, integration, visualization and analytics, all harnessed to improve the reliability and availability of physical assets. DNV enables utilities to get the timely information and analysis needed to cost-effectively maximize equipment lifetimes, perform predictive and preventive maintenance, and prioritize maintenance based on the condition and criticality of assets. This facilitates better informed and more timely decision-making across the business, maximizing return on investment.

Learn more about the software



Utility asset management and predictive maintenance software



Facility ratings management and NERC FAC 008-3 compliance software

  Synergi Electric

Synergi Electric

Power distribution and electrical simulation software