Please watch the video and download the Q&A document below
In the South China Sea, many offshore jacket platforms have been operating well beyond their intended design life. Structural modifications enable these life extensions by accounting for factors that impact jacket integrity, including time degradation, accidental impact, changes in environmental conditions and topside modifications.
In this context, pushover and boat impact analyses provide vital insight to support engineering decisions. Ultimately, the ability to predict the resistance of structures subjected to accidental loads and the residual strength of damaged structures can result in significant cost savings in areas such as inspection planning and reassessment of the ageing structures.
Watch the webinar video and learn how to use the non-linear capabilities in Sesam to overcome these common challenges.
- Introduction to pushover and boat impact analyses
- Strategies and model preparation in GeniE, including import of models created in software such as SACS
- Exporting the model from GeniE into Usfos
- Pushover analysis in Usfos
- Boat impact analysis with fracture criterion in Usfos
- Q&A
About the speakers:
Fadly Azman has worked for Oil & Gas companies such as Petronas and Shell in the South China Sea region since 2004 as a Discipline Engineer for offshore structures. He holds a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering and has broad experience in jacket life extension, reliability assessment, structural inspection and maintenance. He joined DNV in 2017 and currently works as Senior Engineer for Support, Training and Testing for Sesam fixed offshore structure products.
Izzat Hariz has been working with Oil & Gas and Civil Engineering industries since 2010. He has a broad understanding and experience from basic to detail design and performed various structural analysis projects. He currently works as a Technical Support Engineer for Sesam products and delivers training courses for fixed offshore structures.

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