Digitalization and reasoning over engineering textual data stored in spreadsheet tables

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Watch the presentation from the AMEST2020 Virtual Workshop

Throughout the years, industries have captured vast amounts of engineering knowledge in tables, particularly spreadsheets and documents such as project reports and risk assessments. These information assets are in general meant for humans to read, and not for computers to understand. This limits their use for artificial intelligence and other digitally based applications that could contribute with significant efficiency gains and improve quality and safety.

Our expert on ontology building, Johan Wilhelm Klüwer, has been working together with partners from the University of Western Australia to demonstrate an approach to digitalization and reasoning over engineering textual data stored in spreadsheet tables, where they have looked at a widely used risk assessment process called FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis) as a use case. Their approach includes the use of advanced knowledge representation and artificial intelligence methods such as logical reasoning, and has been documented in a paper which was presented at AMEST2020 (Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technologies).

Watch the recording of their presentation to learn more.