TAPA PSR - Parking Security Requirements

Increasing provision and improving security of secure parking for truck operators.

TAPA PSR is a standard of the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) EMEA Region covering provision of parking places. TAPA is a global association of security professionals and related business partners which unites global manufacturers, logistics providers, freight carriers, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders with the common aim of reducing and preventing losses from international supply chains.

What is TAPA PSR

The PSR standard is for Parking Place Operators (PPOs) involved in parking provision for transport operations. Parking trucks in unclassified or unsecured parking places is frequently unavoidable but significantly increases the risk of cargo losses through theft.
PSR is the most adopted industry standard for secure truck parking, currently covering sites in 15 countries, but demand far exceeds supply. TAPA EMEA estimates a need for over 400,000 secure truck parking places at more than 2,000 sites. TAPA PSR is TAPA EMEA’s contribution to addressing this problem.

The PSR standard specifies:

  • Minimum acceptable security standards.
  • Methods to be used to maintain these standards.
  • Processes and specifications to be met by Parking Place Operators to achieve TAPA EMEA PSR certification for their parking locations.

PPOs can join TAPA EMEA’s secure parking programme in one of three ways:

  • Declaration of basic security provision – requires annual renewal.
  • Self-certification audit to meet the requirements of PSR Level 3 and issuing of TAPA EMEA certification – valid for 3 years.
  • Independent Audit Body (IAB) certification levels 1 (highest security protection) 2 (mid-level security protection) and 3 (lowest security protection).

Benefits of becoming certified

PSR IAB certification is only achievable by an audit through an approved TAPA audit body. Among the benefits of certification are:

  • Listing in TAPA EMEA’s secure truck parking database.
  • Increased customer confidence and loyalty.
  • New business opportunities.

Getting started

DNV is accredited by TAPA to deliver certification worldwide. Any certification starts with understanding the scheme, building internal competence and ensuring compliance with the requirements. DNV can help you with all your TAPA PSR certification needs. Contact us for further information about the scheme, certification process and how to integrate with other management system standards.



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