Pre-construction wind energy assessment

Validated pre-construction wind farm energy output predictions help you mitigate risk and build confidence in your project among prospective partners and customers.

When inviting financing for a wind energy project, prospective partners need confidence in the farm’s predicted capability. The same is true when trying to sell power to a utility. In both cases, the evidence provided by an independent, pre-construction wind energy assessment plays a crucial role. 

The evidence you need

DNV’s energy assessment service provides you with this evidence. It predicts, with a defined degree of confidence, the probability that your project will achieve a certain energy output for a given year or over its complete lifetime. 

Predictions are based on measured site information such as the average energy production (P50) as well as confidence intervals to provide a measure of the estimate’s reliability. After the assessment, you receive a bankable energy assessment report providing impartial evidence of the analysis and its results.

Highly flexible, the service can be tailored to your specific needs.

A reputation from experience

With some 30 years’ experience, we have worked on wind energy projects around the world – accounting for a significant number of GW in each region. What’s more, we draw on over 900 wind farm years of real operational data from completed projects to continually validate the accuracy of our methods. 

As a result, we have built a strong reputation among the lending community for impartiality, integrity and accuracy. Your DNV energy assessment report will bring trust and generate confidence in potential investors.

List of flexible accredited services of GL Garrad Hassan Deutschland GmbH, Testing Laboratory no. PL-11134-01. The testing laboratory PL-11134-01 with its two locations is accredited for the flexible scope category 3. Download the list here.

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