Operational Modal Analysis

Discover structural problems in wind turbines

As the wind industry strives to cut costs while producing more powerful turbines, traditional designs are being adapted with manufacturers producing taller and slimmer towers with larger blades to optimize production processes and reduce materials to save costs. These design features present new challenges related to structural failures due to vibrations during operation of the turbine.

Dynamic behaviour of main components
The new Operational Modal Analysis service will help manufacturers and wind farm owners to understand the dynamic behaviour of the main components of the wind turbine regular and unusual wind conditions. OMA is not only directed to numerical model validation but, it is based on real measured data. It also helps to identify specific problems that operating wind turbines commonly suffer.

Discover with OMA
Through the OMA service manufacturers and owners can discover:

  • why their SCADA nacelle vibration signal is frequently triggered
  • how long they can expect their wind turbines to operate without structural risks
  • whether their foundation is stiff enough
  • whether the modal behaviours of the different components of the wind turbine are functioning as expected.

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