Generation interconnection process support

Supporting developers in generation interconnection application

With experience of ISO/RTO requirements across North America, DNV can help developers through the entire interconnection study process starting from application development to various system impact studies ISOs perform.

Renewables developers wanting to connect their generation resources to existing grids need to understand the requirements of the relevant Independent System Operator or Regional Transmission Organization (ISO/RTO). Each has its own specific process and understanding that process and timeline is key to success.

DNV’s experts can support your project through all its phases, from preparation and submission of application packages to helping you understand the potential technical risk associated with the project in a fraction of time the utility or system operator will take to perform their analysis. Our teams offer technical assistance, as well as third-party scrutiny of study reports from ISO/RTOs or utilities.

In-depth experience
Through years of experience, DNV is highly knowledgeable in every aspect of generation interconnection application. Our specialist engineers have helped in submission of over 300 interconnection applications across all ISO/RTO regions in North America.