User need-driven redesign of clinical NGS reports
The results of the NACG report highlighted that the critical clinical genetics report is ripe for a redesign process from the ground up, prioritizing user needs.
In a benchmarking study, users’ needs were mapped in a design-driven innovation approach. The work covered defining the problem; gathering user insights; sorting and structuring findings; conceptualizing and testing; and choosing a concept.
Insights were gathered through a series of interviews with NGS report end users, including requisitioning clinicians with varying levels of genetic literacy, NGS lab producers and general practitioners, and then processed to identify needs grouped around variation among end users, report format and structure, collaboration and delivery.
The user needs identified were used to redesign the NGS reports into prototype reports with features which facilitate effective and accurate knowledge transfer between laboratories, specialists and patients. These features included a clear information hierarchy, visual representation of the main results summary, explicit laboratory contact information to encourage direct contact and clear recommendations for follow-up. Existing national and international recommendations for reporting were also adhered to in the prototypes.
The benefits
It is hoped that the work will lead to enhanced transfer of information streams from the generator of genetic test results to the end user of these results; increased efficiency in the process of clinical decision making through improved visual presentation of results; and improved patient safety and quality of care: more accurate understanding of test results allows clinicians to implement appropriate measures, while also improving patients’ understanding of their diagnosis and treatment implications.