Learn more about the 11 featured projects in this year’s Research Review.

Assurance of AI-enabled systems
DNV’s new Recommended Practice DNV-RP-0671 describes a framework for assuring AI-enabled systems. Developed by Group Research and Development

Decarbonizing shipping with ammonia fuel
With no carbon in its chemical composition, ammonia as a fuel promises carbon-free shipping.

Advancing grid-forming wind turbine testing
The new technology of grid-forming wind turbines will mean new regulations and compliance testing.

Improving energy production of offshore floating wind farms
A collaborative project funded by Innovate UK, CONFLOWS (CONtrol of FLOating wind farms with Wake Steering)

Leveraging data to improve healthcare
The Federated Health project aims to unlock the data potential of unstructured textual data in Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems

Modelling scenarios for sharing space at sea
With a coming race for space driven by the rapid upscaling of offshore wind, marine area will increasingly become a resource priced at a premium.

On-board drone technology paves way for safer, more efficient surveys
REDHUS is developing automated ship surveys, using drones and AI. DNV is leading the project, which is in response to a growing need from customers.

Untangling the complexities in seafood value chains
As part of DNV’s Ocean’s Future to 2050 reports, the Seafood Forecast provides insight into interactions between seafood value chains and other food systems.

Proving the case for simulation-based testing
Classification and certification of vessels with high degrees of automation will require demonstration of the possibility to solve complex operations in a safe and secure way.

Improving the productivity of wind farms and the bankability of wind farm control
The Wind farm Control joint industry project involves most of the leading players in the wind energy sector.