NOBEL GRID is a European H2020 project providing advanced tools and ICT services to all actors in the smart grid

NOBEL GRID was a European H2020 project running from 2015 to 2018 providing advanced tools and ICT services to all actors in the smart grid and retail electricity market to ensure benefits from lower prices, more secure and stable grids and clean electricity.

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DNV’s role within the project was to coordinate the work package on ‘Stable and Secure Smart Grid Technologies’ about developing grid support algorithms and mathematical models, and to develop smart grid verification services based on the Universal Smart Energy Framework (USEF).

The main results of NOBEL GRID were:

  • Innovative solutions and tools for DSOs in order to provide secure, stable and robust smart grids.
  • New services for all the actors of the distribution grid, including new actors, such as prosumers, aggregators and ESCOs.
  • Smart Low-cost Advanced Meter (SLAM), addressing the needs of the all the actors of the smart grid.

NOBEL GRID results were tested in real conditions in five different electric cooperatives and non-profit demonstration sites in EU member states:

  • The electric cooperative of Alginet (Spain)
  • The renewable energy cooperative Ecopower in Flanders (Belgium) acts as renewable generator and supplier cooperative
  • The cooperative Carbon-coop in Manchester (UK)
  • The public DSO ASM Terni (Italy)
  • Meltemi eco-village (Greece).

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Within NOBEL GRID, DNV developed a tool for the verification of the exchange of services between the stakeholders of the smart grid, based on the USEF framework. This includes the verification of processes and protocols for the exchange of flexibility between aggregators, grid operators and balance responsible parties.

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