How to deal with offtake - risk or opportunity - in today's market

Watch the recorded panel discussion from our breakfast seminar in Frankfurt on 24 November 2022, featuring speakers from NORD/LB, Dentons and DNV

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Currently we are facing high energy prices, price caps on renewable energy revenues and energy, and a greater focus on energy security due to the war in Ukraine. Europe aims to accelerate its renewables build-out to achieve energy security. Long-term drivers of change are still valid: plunging renewables costs, electrification and rising carbon prices. 

How does this impact greenfield projects in the short term?

In this one-hour panel discussion, Dr. Gabriele Haas (Partner, Energy, ESG, Regulatory - Dentons Europe), Björn Heinemeyer (Deputy Head Origination Energy - NORD/LB) and Jakub Pilc (Principal Consultant, Green Energy Procurement - DNV) looked at the current market conditions and the offtake strategies in particular, providing insights from a debt financing, legal as well as market and technical perspective. The session was moderated by Martijn Maandag (Director Due Diligence - DNV).