Energy markets

Energy market studies for generation project financing
Whether you are an investor, lender or tax equity financier, DNV can support you with market analyses for renewables generation projects across North America

For project developers and investors in any energy generation project, understanding the potential financial risks and returns is crucial. Highly dependable analyses are key to assessing the investment opportunity.

These analyses begin with initial screening and narrowing down of possible project locations based on expected revenues. Then, at pre-construction and pre-operational stages, financiers and lenders in tax equity financing need to understand the viability and risk-averseness of the projects concerned. While for M&A projects, due diligence studies are essential.

Studies and forecasts
Based on our extensive experience, DNV provides you with expert support in these vital project phases. Through congestion / curtailment studies, our energy market specialists can help you assess the financial risk associated with interconnection of your generation projects. These studies give you a basis risk forecast of the price differentials between the project node and liquid trading hubs under a range of future scenarios such as variations in generation buildout, transmission topology, fuel prices, and bid price assumptions.

We can also conduct grid level economic studies for transmission, storage and non-wires alternatives, including evaluation of the net present value of costs and benefits.