Webinar recording: Solving gas network vibration issues – today and tomorrow

Vibration of pipework on gas transmission and distribution assets can be a significant risk to integrity and safety. Join our upcoming webinar where we will discuss how vibration of pipework on gas transmission and distribution assets can be a significant risk to integrity and safety, and what you can do to manage it. 

Coupled with practical examples from real-world case studies, this live webinar will help engineers and asset managers understand more about vibration risk, and how it can be managed to minimise impact on operations. 

We will also address how the vibration risk will change when hydrogen and other gases of the future are introduced into natural gas systems.

Key topics:

  • Why vibration is a concern for pipework
  • The common causes of pipework vibration failures 
  • How to manage pipework vibration risks for gas transmission and distribution assets across the plant life cycle, including screening, measurements and analysis
  • What will change when converting to future gases.
  • The webinar will include real-world examples and cases and conclude with a live Questions & Answers session.


  • Dr Henk Riezebos – Senior Principal Consultant Oil & Gas Metering & Flow Acoustics

Dr Henk Riezebos (1958) is an internationally recognized expert in gas flow metering and acoustics in gas applications with 30+ years of experience in the gas industry. With a profound background in the physical modelling of natural gas network phenomena his work since 1995 is more dedicated to research and consultancy on gas assets in general, later more specializing on acoustic phenomena in natural gas systems (pulsations & vibrations). His work since 1995 on the acoustic effects in natural gas systems (pulsations & vibrations) included solving acoustic problems at Compressor stations and Measurement & Regulation stations in the Netherlands. Experimental work on full-scale gas systems in close collaboration with Eindhoven University has given unique knowledge of Flow induced Acoustics phenomena, which can affect flow measurement accuracy and/or even worse the mechanical integrity of an installation.

  • Dr Toby Miles – Principal Engineer & Team Leader – Asset Health 

Dr Miles is a highly versatile chartered mechanical engineer with over 20 years’ industrial experience covering asset integrity, experimental vibration analysis, materials fatigue testing, and gas turbine technology. He is currently involved in consultancy for a wide range of pipeline and pipework integrity issues, including vibration and fatigue assessment, and implementation of vibration screening programmes, and has worked at operational sites for UK and international clients, including assignments in China, Kazakhstan, and the Middle East. He has specific technical knowledge in determining and managing the risk of vibration-induced fatigue failure of process pipework and has authored and presented several technical papers at international conferences. He leads a team of staff with expertise in the management of vibration-related and other mechanical integrity risks to process pipework, facilities, pipelines, and rotating machinery.

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