What’s coming in Maros 9.3.3 and Taro 5.3.3?

The product changes in this release are rooted in customer feedback. We can’t wait for the software to be released. Keep reading to learn more about some of the improvements made in this post.

Event Viewer

As our tools get more sophisticated, we’re working to make sure they’re also user-friendly. An Event Gantt Chart and Viewer will help you track all events during animation in graphical and in a table form. The events animated includes conventional as well as conditional events. The use of Gantt Chart to highlight conditionals (triggered or not) will help you improve diagnostics of your models more efficiently.

Time Dependent Ramping

A new Repair Type for Sequential Conditional Logic called Trigger Duration Dependent will be included to help you link ramp-up or re-start duration to the length of preceding downtime, for example:

Plant - What’s coming in Maros 9.3.3 and Taro 5.3.3 - Time dependent ramping

Tank Level Management (TLM)

The enhancement of this feature is to quantify the impact of each TLM and allocating production loss to both concurrent TLM’s and to conventional failures. The accumulation of loss allocated to a TLM is output to the Criticality Table in exactly the same way as applies to unscheduled, scheduled and conditional events. Such an enhancement enables you to gauge the production impact of a TLM and make comparisons with all other events, conventional or otherwise.

Rate Management with Operations (RMO)

The same feature has been extended to include Rate Management Operations where a RMO is triggered by variations in flow through the host node. From a Criticality perspective, the RMO’s and TLM’s are treated in exactly the same way. The TLM & RMO events will have descriptions and unique ID of their own.

The enhancements for TLM and RMO are applicable for Maros.

Remain with Last Unit

If you are using Taro, you will now be able to select different operating modes for parallel units, i.e. remain with last unit or switchover after completion of repair in any of the units. This feature is already available in Maros.


In summary, there will be gradual and incremental process of moving features between Taro and Maros in upcoming releases, which started from the release of Maros 9 and Taro 5. This will help position Maros to be an all encompassing reliability tool covering the modelling capabilities for mainly upstream and midstream with additional downstream modelling capability. Taro will remain available and will be positioned as a specialized tool for midstream and downstream industry.

The on-going development activities for Maros and Taro have not been limited to the next 9.3.3 and 5.3.3 releases. We’ll be able to reveal details of other improvements beyond the standard desktop offerings in the coming weeks.

Finally, we have updated our E-Learning materials with a number of “How to” videos over the past few months to help you get the most from Maros and Taro. You can assess these videos on DNV’s website and on YouTube. We will be adding more videos in the coming weeks and months.

Author: Simon Wong

9/11/2020 1:36:23 PM