Investigating the static and cyclic behaviour of laterally loaded monopiles and jacket piles in carbonate sediments

Joint Industry Project

DNV is currently seeking partners for the proposed joint industry project (JIP) to investigate the static and cyclic behaviour of large diameter monopiles and jacket piles used for offshore wind projects in carbonate sediments.

The presence of carbonate sediments is expected to pose particular challenges for the proposed offshore wind developments in Australia, including recently awarded sites in the Gippsland region, as well as other parts of the world. 

DNV is the world’s leading classification society and a recognized advisor for the Maritime and Energy industries. Companies rely on our impartial insights to navigate current and future technology trends and we invest 5% of our revenue every year in research and development.


The objective of the proposed JIP is to gain a better understanding of the static and cyclic behavior of large diameter monopiles and jacket piles used for offshore wind projects in carbonate sediments.

The objectives will be further refined, optimized, and aligned to suit the needs of the JIP participants. It is expected that a phased approach will be taken, consisting broadly of desktop study, site investigation, geotechnical design, method validation, preparation and dissemination of results and potential assessment of constructability aspects.

The results of the JIP will be used to develop analysis and design methodologies for the offshore wind industry and will be included in existing recommended practices (RP) and standards (ST).


Carbonate sediments are found throughout the world, including many of the proposed offshore wind zones within Australia. 

Carbonate sediments are highly variable, from soft uncemented silts and muds to dense well cemented calcarenites and limestones. Uncemented carbonate sediments are highly compressible and susceptible to crushing. Under cyclic loading this could result in significant movement and tilt of an offshore wind turbine. Mix of cemented and uncemented carbonate sediments pose construction challenges such as pile run and pile drivability issues (e.g. pile buckling).

There are many examples of expensive rectification projects being required for oil and gas infrastructure in carbonate sediments, including in North West Shelf offshore Australia.

This JIP aims to understand and provide guidance to address the issue at the design stage to avoid risk and the potential for costly rectification works for the offshore wind industry.


DNV is looking for engagement from developers and industry stakeholders to participate in this JIP

DNV has discussed the JIP initiative with 26 companies, many of whom have expressed firm interest in joining the JIP. 

We plan to carry out the JIP over a period of 2 to 2.5 years, starting late 2024.

Partners in the JIP will participate in scoping workshops, receive early access to knowledge gained, and have insight to the design provisions.

6/14/2024 9:57:00 AM

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