Barrier management

Minimizing risks and preventing incidents

Regulations are getting ever tighter, yet major incidents still occur. Often, the root causes can be traced to degraded or missing barriers. A safety barrier is anything intentionally put in place to reduce the risk of an undesirable event occurring. Barriers can be physical structures, technology, processes, and human intervention. At DNV, we believe that by understanding and implementing the right suite of strong barriers, you can proactively manage risk and minimize the chances of future incidents.

4 Key Questions we’ll help you answer:

  • What are our major risks that could lead to potential incidents?
  • What are the critical barriers we rely on to control those risks?
  • What minimum level of performance do the critical barriers need to deliver?
  • How do we ensure the critical barriers are available and effective throughout the life of the operation?

We’ll help you achieve:

  • Ongoing safety management through prevention and mitigation of major hazards
  • Streamlined barrier management and increased efficiency 
  • Increased awareness of hazard prevention throughout the organization 
  • Regulatory compliance and demonstration of risk management.